
The following sample applications show how our brand can come to life. These are not rigid templates that have to be followed. Instead, look at this work as inspiration to create your own Mack expressions that are custom-built for your purpose and function.

Brand Expression

Our materials are direct representations of our brand. They should be custom-built to suit the job and the content, though they should be easily identifiable as part of the Mack family. Touches like matte paper, bold headlines and purposeful design help create an experience that is authentically Mack.

Product Print Advertising

Use the flexible grid to incorporate black and white color, confident messaging, authentic texture and purposeful design.

Dealer Print Advertising

Customizable dealer information includes dealer phone, website, location and logo.


Simple is better when it comes to very large pieces.

Digital Advertising

When developing a form of digital advertising—from web ads to email marketing to video—consider the following examples and guidelines.

Web Design

Our web design focuses on storytelling through the use of the modular grid in an engaging, tech-forward way.


Our words, like our trucks, tell the world who we are: real, bold, confident, passionate and concise. These words serve to guide us as we create for the brand. If you want to talk like Mack, you have to strive for authenticity, much like this video.


Let music set the mood. Ensure that the genre and tempo fit both the storyline and the Mack persona. The music we select should never interfere with the main message, whether it’s being delivered on screen, via voiceover or both. Make sure you have the legal right to use the music. If you have music licensing concerns, please contact Mack Brand Management for assistance. Approved Mack music genres include: country, blues, American folk, bluegrass, rock and roll, and techno.


While we encourage our dealers to purchase the existing merchandise from our store for the greatest brand consistency and recognition, we understand there may be some instances where you may need to design a shirt, hat or other piece of merchandise to fit your specific needs. When doing so, please consider the following information.